Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Separateness/ apartness or togetherness? Which works best for a viable society? Why?

Separateness/ apartness or togetherness? Which works best for a viable society? Why?

Posted - December 2, 2016


  • Togetherness with a strong emphasis and drive to be as self-sufficient and independent as possible.
      December 2, 2016 5:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your repy Glis. I am more prone to separateness/apartness than togetherness. I'm not very sociable in my real life. I've been a loner all my life because I was a painfully shy child so I guess I'm still that girl inside. :)
      December 3, 2016 3:07 AM MST

  • I'm the same way actually.  I mean togetherness as in on the same page and not always opposing each other.
    You may be a shy loner, yet I never got the impression you're a frigid misanthrope just looking out for #1 and damn you all. 
      December 3, 2016 7:18 AM MST

  • Different strokes for different folks.

    I used to work with an Iranian who was in Sydney as an advisor to the company I was with. He lived in one of the more opulent suburbs where homes had a street frontage of 80 to 100 feet. When he lived in Teheran (and later in Mumbai) he had lived in crowded, relatively cramped areas. He was happy with the change but his wife developed agoraphobia because of all the space.

    I guess it all depends on what you're used to.
      December 2, 2016 1:25 PM MST

  • 113301
    I can relate to his wife. I am most comfy and feel most safe at home. I think I may have agoraphobia to some extent and always have. Even as child I was always wanting to be home, go home, stay home. I fought it when I was younger but I have no need to fight it now. Whenever I went out I always made sure I was by an exit for a quick escape. Jim is very sociable. He plays tennis and golf and loves to go out meandering doing guy-stuff. He loves Harbor Freight and Lowe's and Home Depot and Costco. He can spend hours going up and down the aisles inspecting everything. The very best thing about doing that is that when he is ready to buy something he already knows where he can get the best deals. Me? The only shopping I really enjoy is shopping for food (I LOVE to cook), shopping for cookware or shopping for books. And Jim is ALWAYS with me when I go out. Of course when I worked I was a different person. You do what you have to do. Otherwise I enjoy being at home. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Didge! :)
      December 3, 2016 3:14 AM MST

  • And now, of course, you don't even need to go out to buy books. You can get 'em all on line. Food, though? Nah, I wanta see what I'm buying before I bring it home.

    This is my third site of this kind. I was on Ask.com from 2011 till they closed 18 months ago and have been on Blurtit ever since (still there but waiting for it to implode). On each of them I've noticed that some of the most entertaining contributors are people who relate well to each other on line but really prefer their own company. (Yeah, that applies to me, too. I'm a social misfit.)
      December 3, 2016 11:38 AM MST