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Discussion » Questions » Humor and Jokes » Cruel, insulting, hurtful. Some folks suck it up. Don Rickles made a living out of it. Folks laughed and applauded. Is PET another Rickles?

Cruel, insulting, hurtful. Some folks suck it up. Don Rickles made a living out of it. Folks laughed and applauded. Is PET another Rickles?

I have never figured out why being insulted was so appealing for some folks. Don Rickles did only that. I remember Frank Sinatra was often a butt of Rickles' barbs and he apparently loved the guy. You'd see Sinatra laughing his head off in the audience along with other celebrities while he was being slammed by Rickles. Why? Do some folks enjoy being made to look foolish? I think being able to laugh at yourself is a very good thing. But being attacked and insulted by someone to entertain others and enjoying being the target? That I don't get. Do you?

Posted - December 2, 2016


  • Yes I do.  Rickles is comedic gold.  Comedy at it's core is insulting, depraved, and vulgar.  It's the basis of all comedy.
      December 2, 2016 6:12 AM MST