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I recently got let go without cause, and need advice. How do you cope after you got fired while you're transitioning between jobs?

I need to figure out how to balance my personal training fees, rent, bed payments, groceries, and gym membership fees. I had to cancel donations, and can't cancel my life insurance unless I want to start over. Also I had to go get more overdraft protection with my bank. This week has been horrible, and for the first time, it sunk in and I finally cried. My boss told me that letting me go is the "best decision for her business". Yet she made me stay for two more weeks with reduced hours anyway, and asked me to help train others. I have another job lined up already, but I don't start for a week. Because of this, I'm losing a week in pay on top of all the hours she cut. And I'm having hard times coping with it. I have never had to deal with the possibility of having bad credit in my life, until she took over our store.And I would like to prevent it with all the advice and help I can get from those who are older and wiser or who have been through something like this before. Thank you.

Posted - December 3, 2016


  • If you have a whole life insurance policy, you can borrow on that. Do you have an IRA that you can borrow from? Do anything you can to keep your credit from going down the toilet. Once you start your new job, try to put aside some savings for these types of "rainy days".
      December 3, 2016 4:01 PM MST

  • 261
    Thank you! Didn't even know that was a potential option. Thought I couldn't touch that. Will keep this in mind to ask my bank advisor about. She told me that after I've been at my new job for a month, she would like to meet up with me again to help me put together a new savings plan.
      December 3, 2016 4:06 PM MST

  • It sounds like you have a smart bank advisor. I wish you luck with everything.
      December 3, 2016 4:20 PM MST

  • 261
    Thank you! I'm really glad I met her. Made an appointment with her through online banking, and don't regret it at all. She even helped me change my credit card and get my annual fee reversed. I now own a no fee card. This post was edited by AG at December 3, 2016 4:48 PM MST
      December 3, 2016 4:47 PM MST

  • 7939
    Sorry to hear that AG. I think we've all been through this at one time or another. If I remember right, this all comes down to an issue with your employer's daughter, so there is nothing you could have done. It's not fair, but that's the downside of working for a family business. 

    Going forward, I'd cancel anything that's non-essential, including the trainer and gym fees. You can go it alone until you're stable again. That seems to be the only non-essential you mentioned. You can also try to pick up other work for the next week. Look for odd jobs on job boards- running errands, babysitting, etc. or check freelancer sites and take on clerical work or some writing tasks. 

    The good news is that you won't be unemployed long and this bump is small. In the future, you'll understand the importance of stockpiling and having a solid savings, so that even f this happens again, you could go for months and be ok. Hang in there.
      December 3, 2016 4:02 PM MST

  • 261

    Thanks, JA. And yes, her daughter does seem to have a problem with me. She's also constantly complaining to her Mom about everything possible. I'm not sure if she's the reason I got fired, though. Just that after she showed up, the whole entire work environment changed for the worse. She is extremely negative and a chronic complainer. I can't even think of one positive thing she said about anyone else other than herself. It really turns me off from working with a mother/daughter ever again.

    I cannot cancel my gym membership because I don't have a medical reason to cancel, and I'm not at one year yet... that's if I'm understanding my contract right. I made a year commitment. As for the personal training fees, I cannot cancel them or put them on hold as I've already used all my sessions. So unfortunately I'm stuck with them. Definitely agree about the odd jobs, and I'm trying that. One employer even called me already at the recommendation of a friend, but told me the only thing he was worried about was my hours of availability. He told my friend he'd hire me on the spot if I was available for the rest of December. But because I'm not, and it's a lot of paperwork for just a few days, he needs 24 hours to think about it. Which I totally get and respect. If he ends up saying no, I will be right on that!

    I actually did have a SOLID savings, which I would still have if I had kept my same hours with my previous boss. My solid savings are what saved me this long. But unfortunately savings don't last forever as I've learned the hard way. =(

    Thanks again, JA!

      December 3, 2016 4:14 PM MST

  • 7939
    The gym might still be willing to work with you. A lot of them have policies designed to help people in your situation. They may be willing to "pause" your contract or something similar. It doesn't hurt to ask. 
      December 3, 2016 4:57 PM MST

  • 261
    My trainer already talked to the fitness manager, I believe. And he said it's out of his control. =( I suppose I could try, though...I just hope I wouldn't be told the exact same thing.

    (I may have to go back there to update my credit card information, so I suppose I could ask while I am there.. or on the phone) This post was edited by AG at December 3, 2016 5:08 PM MST
      December 3, 2016 5:07 PM MST

  • 46117
    This too will pass.  You are a control freak.  A good one though.  You are organized to a fault, you are an employee most people would DIE to have and you take your responsibilities so seriously that you already HAVE another job.  The only thing you did wrong?  Is what most people do when they are starting out and branching out.  You very carefully planned how much you could afford PROVIDING nothing happened and left no cushion for what could happen.   You are lucky that you are in such good standing. Your credit may not be immaculate after this happenstance, but it will not suffer that badly.   The worst thing you may face is maybe having to cut off a bill or two, if you are worried about the personal trainer, that is the FIRST to go.  The next is the gym.  They can wait a month if need be.

    You will survive. You are a winner and this is not so bad, it was just shocking because you did NOT deserve it.  When you start the new job, things will fall into place and you will probably be able to take a deep breath and see things from a better perspective.  All is not lost.  Not even close.  And YES I have been there.  But unlike you, I didn't get fired.  I will quit rather than put up with shit, that is my tragic flaw and your greatest strength.  So, I was willing to face losing everything rather than dealing with hell on earth.  I have had that situation more than 10 times in my life.  LOL   And I have MORE than survived it. 

    I'm not worried about you.  You amaze me and you will make it just fine.

    Oh and by the way, it won't mess up your credit that bad.  If you have one or two dings here and there?  It will fall by the wayside once you re-establish the fact that you pay your bills on time.

    Figure this AG, people have gone totally bankrupt and within 7 - 10 years can show pristine credit once more.  So, you are so far removed from that situation, that you need not worry.  I understand why you are worried since this is not something you have ever faced, but everyone has a few setbacks and creditors are not that evil if you just call and tell them what occurred.  They will work with you if you don't disappear. 

    Pay that rent first and foremost and go from there.

    Love to you always,

      December 3, 2016 4:08 PM MST

  • 261
    Thank you soo much, Sharonna! That was really encouraging to read. I miss you guys -- you were always one of my largest and favourite support networks on the 'Bag (which sucks now, by the way...I've been there and it's not the same, haha).

    Unfortunately, the personal training fees have to stay. I used all my sessions already. As for the gym membership, I'm not done my one year commitment until April. So while they may be non-essential, they come with contracts that I can't back out of.

    The good thing is that this new job appears to be full time.
      December 3, 2016 4:25 PM MST

  • Sorry to hear ... I'm with the other comments re non essential stuff .. that's the first thing to go .. Often it's not what you make but what you Diane is the difference between getting ahead or not ... On a personal level I think i would haves told them to stick the training ... If I'm not good enough to do the job then I certainly can't train anyone to replace me ... But that's just me!
     This may sound odd ... There is an upside to this potentially ... We often settle back and just drift .. sometimes we need a shock to wake us up... This could be the start of a better life for you .. I wish you well :)
      December 3, 2016 4:13 PM MST

  • 261
    I tried to remove every non-essential possible. And yeah, I get it! But I do not mind teaching, so I went along with it. Both of her new hires gave me their phone numbers and were sad about me leaving. Even the other new hire she hired in September texted me and told me she wasn't looking forward to going to work without me. She wrote me one of the best personal recommendation letters ever.

    I really am hoping that is the case! Thank you :)
      December 3, 2016 4:51 PM MST

  • I think a positive mind set is important in dealing with these issues .. you seem to have that :) ... Time to move on girl ... It's hard making that climb ... Just don't further every now and then to look back over your shoulder to remind yourself how far you've come :)
      December 3, 2016 4:56 PM MST

  • 261
    Things seem to have gotten better now. I lost the job I had lined up, too... and had to get another one. Now this job seems more promising and pays me way more. Just a few more training payments left. Government is paid off. And the bed payment is almost gone. Unfortunately I had to apply for Ontario Works, though. But they have been a huge help in making me less stressed out and more present at work. This post was edited by AG at March 3, 2017 6:57 AM MST
      March 3, 2017 6:56 AM MST

  • It's funny how life works out some times... you think a door has slammed in your face  but it was only so another one could open ...  glad you're moving along :)
      March 3, 2017 7:07 AM MST

  • 11512
    Hi AG. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sharonna is right, though. Getting a little behind on your bills for a short time won't totally destroy your credit. Lots of people get in that situation temporarily. You probably won't be applying for any new credit anytime soon, and that's what a bad credit rating would affect the most. You obviously are good about paying your debts and will get back on track before too long. Best of luck in the new job!
      December 3, 2016 5:32 PM MST

  • 261
    Thanks, Jane. I've been able to catch up on all my rent, but now I found out I owe the government around $730. Hopefully I make it out of this one alive!! And still get to stay where I live. My 2016 tax refund is probably gonna go into paying that off.
      January 14, 2017 12:10 AM MST
  • AG


    I wanted to update you all and let you know that while the job I got in December didn't work out, I found another one where I was hired full time and passed my probation. I actually make more and get more benefits now than ever before. Plus my bed is going to be paid off next month, and my personal training payments are finally over. Way over $4000 is finally paid off and I could not be MORE relieved. Also I chose not to renew my gym membership at GoodLife, so I don't have to worry about any gym fees coming out of my account anymore!!!


    Thanks for all the help and encouragement. TODAY I can look up and be thankful I was given another chance... and know that I have no more crazy bills to worry about for the time being.

      April 22, 2017 7:26 AM MDT

  • That's great news .. sometimes it's hard to hear other doors opening :)
      April 22, 2017 12:23 PM MDT