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Discussion » Questions » History » How difficult would it be to repeal/reverse/rescind Constitutional amendments? Stuff that PET and his cronies dislike? What's to stop 'em?

How difficult would it be to repeal/reverse/rescind Constitutional amendments? Stuff that PET and his cronies dislike? What's to stop 'em?

Just load/lard SCOTUS with ALT RIGHT WHITE justices who will reverse anything and everything they are told to do. Is there any precedent for doing/not doing that? SCOTUS used to be our court of last resort and sometimes things were upheld and attacks on them were thrown out as being unconstitutional. With an ALT RIGHT WHITE majority there will be no upholding of anything we the people hold dear. It will all go the way of the  horse and buggy. A country completely controlled by PET, his pals and his SCOTUS appointments. Is that not exciting to you?

Posted - December 6, 2016
