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Free speech can cost lives if it is sufficiently inflammatory and incites riots. So it isn't free if its costs something is it?

Some say they will defend to the death a person's right to say whatever he/she wishes. Sometimes it costs lives because of what the speech incites. But I guess lives are not more important than the right to insult/demean/antagonize/humiliate/desecrate/agitate. Right?

Posted - December 7, 2016


  • I absolutely agree and you have said what I was trying to express.. you did it perfectly!  My point when i say about free speech is that in OUR right, *(which for the record we absolutely do have here) does not over rule someone else's rights.. 

    So when we say nasty insulting, abusive words; words which are designed, (and don't pretend otherwise!) to hurt and humiliate.. then we ARE harming others... it's arrogant, selfish and just being a horrible person to not acept that..   

    Words can harm.. anyone who doesn't think so is imo being ignorant.. what about the abused wife who, every day, is told she is useless, worthless, a waste of space, that she is nothing...that no one else would have her... are people so dumb that they cannot fathom the damage this does??? People cannot figure out the damage to self esteem and how this can have real physical impact?? It hurts just as much as physical pain... and has physical and real life consquences... 

    Can we not even work out that the girl who is constantly told she is fat and ugly and who then turns to cutting or anorexia and dies is CAUSED by hurtful words??? 

    Soooo many examples.. but yet some people seem not to be able to see this????? I dont get it!!!  

    WE CAN and do say what we want.. no one's saying we shouldn't be free to express our opinions... but as civilised human beings we can and surely SHOULD temper that to respect other's rights.

      December 7, 2016 8:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    We are not only on the same page on this issue but on the same sentence.  The abstract concept of "fighting to the death for your right to say what you wish" sounds ever so noble but in real terms with real human lives at stake it sounds really flaky to me. It just does. That someone would fight to the death to protect his/her right to say someone sucks or whatever is ridiculous. They are just words. They are not lives you are dying to protect or freedom or even honor. They're just words. So I don't understand the why of that.  I think life is what's precious here. Not words.  Happy Wednesday to thee DdbTD! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 7, 2016 9:28 AM MST
      December 7, 2016 8:34 AM MST

  • Freedom is exactly what is being protected.

      December 7, 2016 12:39 PM MST

  • 1615
    Excellent answer I couldn't have said it better, the more ignorant someone is the more ignorant and abusive language they will use or they use four letter words to express themselves. 
      December 7, 2016 12:20 PM MST

  • The limiting of an entire population to protect people from being insulted or humiliated is a tad extremist.

    The idea that people have some right to not be insulted is kind of absurd.  That's just trying to protect people from life.
      December 7, 2016 10:47 AM MST

  • well life doesn't have to be that way tho does it.. if everyone respects each other then there's no need to be abusive.. and I suppose the point is... that while one or two occassional comments can be shrugged off.. some people, usually with less power to fight back can get this on a multi daily basis and it can cause serious harm; depression and even suicide.. it can afffect how they think about themselves, how their kids feel about themselves... and it entraps people... 

    We do have to acknowledge it's not harmless.. 

    And this isnt enforced limiting.. its just basic respect... decency.. behaving to others as we would like people to behave to us.... I don't talk to people disrespectfully and i expect the same in return.. I always tackle rudeness.. always.. and I give way more than i get if someone mistakes me for a little mouse who can be bullied.. but point is.. there are real little mice out there who have been so abused and downtrodden they cannot fight back... 

    lol and it can and does incite violence... someone insults me they are not only going to get a heap of abuse with words they haven't even heard before AND if that doesnt work I'd smack them in the mouth.. but then again I can do that.. others cant always.. 
      December 7, 2016 3:40 PM MST

  • 44
    Not allowing something to be fairly criticised is dumb. I don't care if words hurt you or not. Take Islam as an example.
      December 7, 2016 10:56 AM MST

  • The operative word there is FAIRLY criticised.. and i dont think anyone is saying we cannot have opinions and express them.. constructive criticism is important.. how else will we learn.. but that isn't what we are talking about.. its when people continually call certain races names that are uncalled for, NOT fair, that make them feel that they are somehow less than someone else.. it's when men continually make derogatory and unfounded comments about women... or disabled people.. they do it cos they know these people are less able to fight back.. you rarely get two men of equal power or status insulting each other.. cos they know they would get a smack in the mouth.. so it's about power inbalance. someone picking on someone weaker.. and sorry that's unworthy behaviour.. it's NOT Being a decent human being. it's uncivilised.. 

    Tell ya what I'd just love it if people tried to say that stuff to me.. I'd soon teach them a lesson
      December 7, 2016 3:45 PM MST

  • 44
    Your point is? I don't get it, should it be a crime to call people petty names? I agree that people should be polite and respectful, but some immature people aren't. Regardless of gender. I don't care whether the person is disabled or a female or a male. Also, whooping someone's arse for calling you petty names isn't very mature of you either.
      December 8, 2016 4:35 AM MST

  • Oh bless you... I never said petty.. please re-read. You said fairly.. I said that yes, fair enough it it's fair criticism or designed to help and educated but we arent talking about when it's fair.. we are talking about when free speech means hateful abusive, humiliating, derogatory terms that are used specifically to belittle and hurt. Hopefully we agree on that.. but the original question was about free speech when it does harm.. sooo my points surround that..  unsure why you have taken exception to that.. but sorry you have.

    And as to whooping someone.. I never indicated I would hit someone for no reason but yea if they use hateful, insulting, derogatory terms to me and do not listen to a reasoned rebuttal of same.. then yea I am going to thump them.. and what's more I am unapologetic about that.. people who use words that are designed to incite hatred and discrimination need to be taught a lesson.. if they don't listen when I tell them politely why they shouldnt use that kind of language I WILL thump them.. People who use, especially routinely, hateful derogatory terms designed to hurt and belittle others, (feeling themselves superior) deserve to face the consequences of their actions... a simple way to put it is. call me hateful discriminatory names designed to hurt and belittle me.. I will call them out and explain why its wrong.. ignore that and continue I will teach them the lesson a different way, and they need to learn not to pick on people they perceive to be weaker BECAUSE they think they can get away with it..

    The relevant distinction here is there is a difference between petty insults and those which are said hatefully and in a derogatory or discriminatory way..

    I should add however, that I have NEVER had to hit anyone in my life.. You BET I am more than a match for some pig-ignorant asswipe who thinks he can pick on people weaker than themselves... but yes, if needed I would hit them.. after exhausting reason.. as i said I am unapologetic about that as if people are too stupid and ignorant to see reason they need a taste of their own medicine.. people need to fight back and NOT tolerate it.. but that's a whole world away from suggesting I whoop anyone for any reason... I think that the fact I USE words and am 52 and haven't hit anyone yet kinda supports that. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 8, 2016 9:51 AM MST
      December 8, 2016 9:41 AM MST