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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Some lives matter more than others. The lives of those who agree with you matter more to you than lives of those don't. That's life, right?

Some lives matter more than others. The lives of those who agree with you matter more to you than lives of those don't. That's life, right?

Lives of those you love/like/know matter far more to you than lives of those you don't know.  Makes sense doesn't it?  So all lives don't least not equally.  Maybe "All Lives Matter" is just another phony old saw that should be retired. Of what value is it since it is untrue?                   

Posted - December 10, 2016


  • 1615
    You are right that seems to be the case, I don't understand the black lives matter movement when it seems they don't care about the killings in Chicago which is black on black, is it just B.S. ?
      December 10, 2016 1:23 PM MST

  • There's a difference between mattering and mattering to me.  Few things matter to me, and few people, but that doesn't mean these things do not matter.  

    We will all have preferences - that's human.  But when we give our preferences leave to disallow others their opinion (about what and who matters) then we need to take a good long look at ourselves.
      December 10, 2016 2:34 PM MST