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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Long ago it was common to have multiple generations live in the same home. Today many elderly live in institutions not homes. Progress?

Long ago it was common to have multiple generations live in the same home. Today many elderly live in institutions not homes. Progress?

The number of institutions housing the elderly are many and keep growing. There are all levels of care provided depending upon the needs of the person. They are not cheap. I don't know if having a full-time nurse living in a home to care for the person would be cheaper. It seems shipping them out, farming them out to elsewhere is more convenient for those who choose to do that with their old folks. Maybe it's what the old folks want. Maybe they don't like living somewhere that is not theirs. I don't know. It just seems a shame to me that this is how our society treats its elderly.  Do other countries do the same?

Posted - December 12, 2016
