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Discussion » Questions » Business » Leading Cybersecurity firm owner wears 10 earrings in one ear, lime green suit, and pink shirt with no tie. Why? What does this symbolize?

Leading Cybersecurity firm owner wears 10 earrings in one ear, lime green suit, and pink shirt with no tie. Why? What does this symbolize?

Is it some form of "rebellion"? Or is it to show they have so much of a certain kind of intelligence and that they "rule the world". They can do whatever they want with the iron fist of "whimsy".

This isn't the same as some teenager who used to dress up as a "punk". That style was to show a separation from society. 

The new "geeky corporate style" is to show they ARE society. They rule society and use their *certain kind of intelligence* to rule. They're not turning the olden corporate symbols on their heads. They're saying they ARE the new corporate style. 

They own the secret knowledge. You cannot join the "club".

Posted - December 14, 2016


  • Why should it symbolize anything? It is just what he chooses to wear, nothing more.
      December 14, 2016 8:24 AM MST

  • It doesn't symbolise anything.. and wouldn't we be the silly ones for thinkng it does?? It represents nothing other than that he likes to dress a certain way and is willing to be different and demonstrate his personal dress sense rather than be a clone and wear the same as everyone else... 

    We work with a lovely lady who is quite goth and has loads of piercings and tattoos.. she is truly lovely, almost as lovely as me :P she is intelligent and caring yet she has faced idiots abusing and judging her.

    Imo its those who judge who have the problem not the one who is expressing their individuality. 

    Again i say if you value and defend the rights of free speech and freedom then you have to include the right to dress how you wish.. you could do the same.. we all could...
      December 14, 2016 8:35 AM MST

  • 19938
    Maybe he pimps on the side.
      December 14, 2016 2:04 PM MST