Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » The mandatory retirement age for commercial airline pilots is 65. Do you approve of/dis mandatory retirement? Why?

The mandatory retirement age for commercial airline pilots is 65. Do you approve of/dis mandatory retirement? Why?

Posted - December 17, 2016


  • 3907
    Hello Rosie:

    We live a LOT longer than we did when that rule was instigated..  Besides, we WANT our pilots to be experienced, so we shouldn't FIRE them when they're at the peak of their game..

      December 17, 2016 5:30 AM MST

  • 113301
     Mandatory retirement age for commercial airline pilots used to be 60 excon and they raised it to 65. Today's 65 is much healthier/younger than that of decades ago. I don't like it at all. Retirement from such a job should definitely be health-related, not age-related. Pilots are responsible for the lives of others. But who says they became less capable of carrying out that responsibility once they turn 65? I think it is ridiculous!  Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!  :)
      December 17, 2016 5:47 AM MST

  • 17652
    I do not.  I do agree with mandatory removal from positions involving great and long attention spans, the lack of which put others at risk of peril.  That would include driver/operators of all common carrier transporations.  But, upon that birthday the employee should not be forced to retire if there is an available position within the company that he or she is qualified to do. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at December 17, 2016 12:15 PM MST
      December 17, 2016 12:15 PM MST