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What's the funnest Christmas gift you ever got ?

Posted - December 24, 2016


  • I got a bicycle. It was yellow with deep U-shaped handle bars and a fake plastic gas tank. It also had a black banana sit and thick off road tires. 
    I have never since gotten anything that had made me happier than that bike.
      December 24, 2016 10:49 AM MST

  • A massive  electronic lab spring board or Legos.  
      December 24, 2016 11:16 AM MST

  • Yes!
    I always wanted one of those. Ended up building one myself. I wanted it to add one plus one. but it didn't work. There was no YouTube back then. Thanks G.
      December 24, 2016 11:27 AM MST

  • I spent a lot of my allowance at Radio-Shack starting with those things.
      December 24, 2016 1:42 PM MST

  • 1999 Christmas I was given a Yamaha electric keyboard. It was the coolest gift I had ever received at that point. The funny thing is I hadn't even seen it in the living room. It was a big box draped in a blanket hiding in plain sight and I hadn't even noticed it after opening all my other presents, so it was a super surprise. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 24, 2016 11:21 AM MST
      December 24, 2016 11:21 AM MST

  • That's a great story!
    I would stand out the window of the only music store in town and dream about one of those. 
    What happened to it?
      December 24, 2016 11:39 AM MST

  • I can't think of one, how sad is that? I suppose it's all relative. A box of 875 different couloured Crayons was just the thing when I was 10 ... you know, I'll have to think about that.
    (Btw, I hope you think you pressie is fun. It took me a long time to get it just so. Not saying it's a patch on yer bike, mind ;)
      December 24, 2016 1:07 PM MST

  • I think that's pretty great actually. I remember getting the 264 pieces box, and I thought it begin awesome. I'm sure it'll be great.
      December 24, 2016 2:57 PM MST

  • Thank you. )
      December 24, 2016 2:58 PM MST

  • 3523
    My dad gave me a suitcase for Christmas when I was 18.  Funny, huh?
      December 24, 2016 7:56 PM MST

  • That kinda sucks if you ask me. Nope. Not much fun there. I know a lot of people disagree with me but eighteen seems a little too young to ME. Thanks for responding Call.
      December 24, 2016 8:09 PM MST