You're welcome. You are so right. Good attitude. You ARE an awesome brother, because you tried to donate. You should be proud. Well, you have a wonderful attitude. :)
Yes and no. My daughter was able to buy me Christmas presents with her own money this year. That made her happy, so it made me happy. No, because my best friends mom died this morning. I know it's the day after, but it's still too close.
@Karen, condolences for your loss. We had a dear friend's funeral the Thursday before Christmas, which was too close to the 25th. But having good friends together on Sunday felt really good. Our gloominess turned to the joy of Christmas.
It was really nice yesterday. One daughter did the majority of the cooking and our other daughters came by for a nice visit. The nicest thing was seeing our 6 year old grandson smile and give me a giant hug, kiss and telling me how much he loved me and his grandpa. And we didn't even get him the best Goes to prove my grandson knows what is!