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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » I know. Y'all HATE rules/regs/constraints/restrictions. You want to do what you want to without being hassled. Any reg you like? Which/why?

I know. Y'all HATE rules/regs/constraints/restrictions. You want to do what you want to without being hassled. Any reg you like? Which/why?

Posted - January 19, 2017


  • That's a seriously good question Rosie, I would vote you questionator of the year... Unfortunately my poor little brain is addled at the moment.. daughter just got bad results for some work at school and erm I was led to believe she was getting great results...and I have a new, challenging course starting tonight... so brain only functioning on 1/4 capacity so my answer won't be the most sparkling ever... 

    I am going to say... I think it should be a rule that schools keep parents better informed :P  

    Aside from that ALL governments should be open, honest, transparent and act in the interests of their people NOT themselves... three guesses for who I had in mind there,who's going to be the exact opposite of that  :P
      January 19, 2017 7:45 AM MST

  • 35077
    Have you talked to the schools about getting a website where you as a parent can login and view your student's grades in an up to date site? 
    That is how my kid's school does it. I can login and view grades, view individual assignments (what has and has not been turned in), I can check attendance, pay for their lunches on the site. 
    If they don't it could be a suggestion for them. To help parents know it a child needs help in a subject or if they are just being lazy and not turning in assignments (my children have this issue....he not lazy, he was unorganized and didn't know it was completed but still in his folder)
      January 19, 2017 8:22 AM MST

  • It's a good idea... a great one even.. my daughter will only be there a few more months.. so for now probably best I email the tutor and her support mentor and discuss concerns.. daughter herself says that the VERY low mark on the letter is because she has not yet handed in the full assignment..  so I will just double check that..  

    I was just really worried as this is the crucial time for her.. your equivalent of graduation but slightly different.. they take exams and the marks they get will determine IF they get into college... I know the college has a site where parents can check in .. lol cos I work there :P  so we just have to get through this very pressured, very stressful stage where she is desperately unhappy but knows she needs good grades in her exams and this assignment counts towards the exam...

    If I may I would like to share with you a *positive* story, I took daughter round to the local shop.. to treat her to a *meal deal* and chocolate... to cheer her up.. and the guy serving at the counter heard her grumbling about how miserable and fed up and how much stress it all is...  he said, this year is the most important of your life, don't throw it away, keep smiling, get through it.. or you will regret it for the rest of your life..." I thought that was SO kind of him.... and he is right.. that's our system.. this is the big one.. it determines where or even if you get to college..  and if you don't then as he said himself, you are condemned to work in low paid jobs... I've always said to her that education give CHOICES that you don't have without a good education...  Daughter thought he was so kind to stop and help with kind advice.. and it helps me that a total stranger is telling her .. sometimes they don't think Mum knows anything.. Daughter said people round here are so nice.. I said well, not all of them but there are a lot of nice people for sure :)

    I can check attendance and awards via a portal/site and I can pay for lunches via a different site.. 
      January 19, 2017 9:08 AM MST

  • 35077
    Good story. It does seem like sometimes kids need someone other than Mom or Dad to say something for them to really get it. 
    Our website is also called the Parent Portal. 
      January 19, 2017 3:31 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for the compliment m'dear and for sharing some personal info with us. I appreciate that and you! Happy Thursday to thee DdbTD! :) ((hugs))
      January 19, 2017 10:37 AM MST

  • 2971
    Did you just hear the Treasury nominee said he "had to" foreclose on people because regulations "forced" him too. He "wanted" to help people, but the regulations just wouldn't let him. Poor guy. I hope he gets some sleep from worrying about all the people...
      January 19, 2017 3:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    Such bullsh**! All the nominees are uniformly schooled in bullsh**! That's all you get from them. Never a straight honest answer to the question asked. It's annoying to see that is the best the small orange man could come up with. I guess he didn't  want anyone to outshine him. No worries there! Thank you for your reply MrB! :)
      January 20, 2017 4:43 AM MST