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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » It is said that if you cast your bread upon the water it will be returned a thousandfold. What happens when all you do is cast lies/harm?

It is said that if you cast your bread upon the water it will be returned a thousandfold. What happens when all you do is cast lies/harm?

Will the lies/harm similarly be returned a thousandfold? Is what you give what you should get only multiplied? Why?

Posted - January 23, 2017


  • 1326
    Because "whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." (galatians 6:7)
      January 23, 2017 9:54 PM MST

  • 113301
    Or to put it another way..."what goes around comes  around". I like to think there is Universal Justice Autumn and that one day we all shall receive what we deserve. For good or ill. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      January 24, 2017 4:03 AM MST

  • 1326
    I couldn't have said it any better. You have a good Tuesday also, at least what's left of it. :)
      January 24, 2017 10:01 PM MST