It sounds like it. Even though the Egyptian Gods believed in marrying their sisters and grandmothers and seemingly not having mongrels as children, do these people know what inner-family breeding will produce? That makes me shiver just thinking about it. Ick!
Please don't get me wrong... I do like the Egyptian Gods very much. I'm just not to hip on regular people participating in such things. I don't think the output is going to be a pretty one.
I don't think Paddy welcomes visitors. Of course, if I came bearing gifts...
But it reminded me of a couple of lived in the boonies to the west of Sydney. They wanted aristocratic titles but those are hard to come by in what was little more than a trailer park, so they changed their names officially. His first name is now Lord and her first name is now Lady. Crazy, huh?
I must be confused on this. I did open your link and to me it just looks like a big gun post with what might be a soccer or football field in the middle. That is what they are trying to claim as a country?? If so, my answer is definitely not.
WOW! What is the world coming to?! Please don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question.