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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How long can someone get away with trying to abrogate/ignore/trample on The Constitution of the United States of America? Why?

How long can someone get away with trying to abrogate/ignore/trample on The Constitution of the United States of America? Why?

Does anyone exist who is above the law? Does anyone exist who calls all the shots no matter what laws are  broken/ignored/defiled? Who is that person and why would he get away with it?

Posted - February 5, 2017


  • 3907
    Hello, Rosie:

    he order is unconstitutional of several fronts, but I'm only gonna tackle one in this writing..  In its simplest form, the government cannot prioritize one religion over another.. 

    For a court to determine the true intent behind Trump's order (whether it's a religious ban or a national security concern) lies in one paragraph.  It declares that once the refugee program is reinstated, the Department of Homeland Security must prioritize refugee claims made by persecuted religious minorities.

    e 31 year old's who drafted the order thought they were being incredibly clever, but they shot themselves in the foot with that one.

    This post was edited by excon at February 8, 2017 4:35 AM MST
      February 5, 2017 7:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think they're gonna lose this one. I hope so. What about the Emoluments clause excon? Apparently his son took over managing the Washington, D.C. Trump hotel and The Donald is still a senior member of the Trump Organization that owns it. So those who stay in that hotel are putting money directly into the pocket of the United States head of state. How serious is his benefitting financially from his position? Thank you for your thoughtful and informatively helpful reply. The degree to which The Donald worshippers fiercely defend his wrongdoing is shocking to me. Do they really not see the problem? How can that be she asked innocently? L(
      February 8, 2017 4:39 AM MST