Let's see what you got.
No can do...it is not a word. Did you mean apartheid? Apartheid is the South Afrikaans word meaning the legalized segregation of the black population from the white population in South Africa.
Its quite all right. I torture people with this stuff. It is my karma to be humble now.
Now give me a sentence.
I made a boo boo.
Thank you for knowing what it is.
Yes. I know. I made a huge typo.
Now do it. You are not getting out of it.
10-12 for spelling Apartheid incorrect ... a harsh sentence I know but I thought a message should be sent.
No matter how much Trump supporters insist it's necessary to "make America great again", we aren't going to create an American version of Apartheid.
legalised racism (racial segregation) back in the bad old days of South Africa
Yeah, right, back in the day. Like it is so FREE wheeling over there now.
Thank you.
We already pretty much have. Just not as noticeable. (we have not been stupid enough to give it a title and announce it is legal)
Never saw that before.
:(...I HATE making stupid mistakes. I shall flail my back with noodles.