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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Patriotism dies in the face of Partisanship. If Russia had effectively helped Hillary win how would The Donald worshippers have reacted?

Patriotism dies in the face of Partisanship. If Russia had effectively helped Hillary win how would The Donald worshippers have reacted?

They would be livid, enraged, infuriated, outraged, furious at the illegal intervening of a foreign country to effect/affect the American election process. They would be fuming and protesting and railing and ranting and raving and rioting 24/7. But it all accrued to the benefit of their demagogue demigod, The Donald. So they think nothing of it at all. They shrug it off as if it were dandruff. Annoying but not lethal. So much for patriotism! The phony baloneys don't give a rat's a ** about it at all. They don't even think about it or consider it or bemoan its loss. All that matters is that Their Donald is head of state. That's great. Nothing else comes close to mattering. SIGH

Posted - February 14, 2017
