I'd been involved (on my Royal Enfield (google if necessary)) in a collision with an Austin Cambridge (google if necessary). I had a slightly broken leg. It was going to be difficult to get to work after that, it's not one of those injuries you can just ignore.......
I took a day off to visit my son who lives about 350 km west. We left too early to ring the office so I pulled up at a phone box along the way. It was a public service job and the conversation went like this.
This is Didge. I won't R-O-A-A-R be in today. What's that noise? It's a truck. They're diverting traffic past R-O-A-A-R my home. Oh Ok. What's the problem? I've got the colly R-O-A-A-R wobbles. You've got what? Collywobbles. How do you spell it. (Yep, he really asked.) C-o-l-l-y-w-o-b-b-l-e-s. Oh, OK.
Yes, it really happened with trucks roaring past. That was in 1992 and byu now that lad is probably running the Department now. And he still won't know what collywobbles means.
(Sigh) ... a true Dozy classic...but thank heaven I did meet you, coz I would never have known the word COLLYWOBBLES...indispensable, life not complete without it...
We all have our contribution to make, Virginia, no matter how small. I've collywobbled myself into your memory. But, of course, we met in a discussion about "sesquipedalian". That was way back in 2011.
Dozy, you absolutely must stand corrected here, because the FIRST word we met on was actually ABSQUATULATE. You had happened upon Ask.com, and about to leave it deciding nothing there for you...and then you came upon that Q about What Is Your Favourite Word? If people were that outrageous you thought maybe you would check it out further...and thereby hangs the tale!
Sesquipedalian came later...we were both cross-eyed with delight (or at least I was) to have found similar nuttiness in love of words...even though halfway across the world (and I will always remember Lynne and her secateurs, too!)...and I think that somewhere I still have that list I was making of all the words I was learning from you...bunyips...def. a favourite too.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 18, 2017 3:25 PM MST
My apologies, Virginia. You are correct. Put it down to a seniors moment.
And I left you a note somewhere else, this morning. Those green dots on our avatars indicate that we're on line. Members who are not on line have no spot.
Probably when a girl ran a stop sign and totaled my car. She ripped a huge hole in my trunk and bent up the front axil when I slid into the concrete shoulder. I was on some interesting muscle relaxants for the muscles in my neck that wouldn't calm down. The doctor almost sent me into physical therapy because the relaxants didn't seem to work at first.
I've never had to have an excuse to get off work unless I was sick, however I had to call and let them know I was going to be late once because there was a house blocking the road. My boss said she'd excuse it if I could prove it - I still have the picture I took somewhere.
Skunky, ima use that too...I am *only* 72 y/o...you do think it will fly, don't you? You and I could go into work together...with straight faces...surely no one could resist our "truth" !!! ???
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 21, 2017 9:31 PM MST