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What really is access without affordability?

Posted - March 10, 2017


  • motivation?
      March 10, 2017 7:38 AM MST

  • 5614
    Aye, indeed ;)
      March 10, 2017 9:14 AM MST

  • 2960
    Wish I had been motivated not to get cancer and save millions before I got it. Oh well.
      March 11, 2017 6:50 AM MST

  • Notice the (?)
      March 11, 2017 9:32 AM MST

  • 2960
      March 11, 2017 10:59 AM MST

  • 5614
      March 12, 2017 9:55 PM MDT

  • 495
    A lonely evening with a cold beer and an even colder shower? 

      March 10, 2017 9:54 AM MST

  • 5614
    Warm beer and cold shower ;) This post was edited by O-uknow at March 12, 2017 9:57 PM MDT
      March 12, 2017 9:57 PM MDT

  • All this time, I didn't think that all those people living in poverty around the world were just unmotivated. We can see, then, that what we need to do is just make things unattainable for children,  you teach them motivation..and stuff.
      March 10, 2017 11:21 AM MST

  • 495
    When it comes to basic necessities, you are correct. 
    As a parent I did find that not giving my children all that they wanted did indeed motivate them. They were motivated to work and save to get those extra things. 
      March 10, 2017 1:58 PM MST

  • Hm,
    The question is not really a question you see? It is a back door statement. With the question, the OP is trying to make the point that those that complain about the gap between the rich and the poor are just unmotivated whinners. But not directly you see?
    My answer was a back door response to that. 
    As it relates to your comment, it is really not the same if you allow me. Our kids know that even though they may not be able to afford whatever it is they want, there is still an implicit affordability.
    "Maybe if I clean I can get it"...sorta thing. 
    It is not like some poor kid collecting coal to survive dreaming of becoming an could happen....but you could hardly call him unmotivated if it.didn't.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 10, 2017 3:02 PM MST
      March 10, 2017 3:01 PM MST

  • 495
    Completely understood where you were coming from. But Lago, look at the question as it is with no bias or assumption. He could be talking about other things beside health insurance. My answer and I thought Glis'  answer could be a generalization... When I look at a question I answer it as it stands with no assumption as to where the questioner could be going. My interpretation is mine, as I choose to see it. Do you understand? 
      March 10, 2017 10:30 PM MST

  • Yes, I understand.
      March 11, 2017 6:46 AM MST

  • 2960
    If you can't afford it, then you didn't work hard enough, so you should be punished. It is really simple.
      March 11, 2017 6:49 AM MST