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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Is the Drug Seller the perp and the Drug User the vic or are they both perps? How much blame rests with users for their plight? Why?

Is the Drug Seller the perp and the Drug User the vic or are they both perps? How much blame rests with users for their plight? Why?

Posted - March 23, 2017


  • None of the above really.
      March 23, 2017 9:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    When you say none of the above you must have a reason. Will you share that with us? Or is it something you wish to keep secret?  Thank you for your comment Glis. It tells me nothing.
      March 25, 2017 5:45 AM MDT

  • Well drug users aren't victims really.   Unless you were forced into drug slavery by being forced them.  They aren't perps either since it's silly to treat a personal choice that only damages your own health as a crime.
    I don't think there is anything wrong with trading goods that people choose to put into their own bodies.   The only reason we have immoral criminals being dealers is because drug laws have made it lucrative for criminals to engage in.

    Personally having been there, the any blame for the plight of the user rests on the user and the immoral drug war that has destroyed the possibility of harm reduction in favor of sweeping it under the prison rug.
    Not saying drug traders are some moral or group of good people by any means.  I see it as the moral crusader Drug War has given the business of supplying a demand that isn't ever going away to the worst people of society.

    Do we treat wine store clerks as criminals or judge them as evil? No, not as a general rule.   It's legal though so we don't have the business of booze handled by psychopaths.  We don't treat the drinker as a perp or a victim either by virtue of drinking either, but by their other actions as it relates to their drinking.
    We have this sick labelling system and way of dealing with a situation we find unsavory that increases the negative consequences and costs of a problem for both the community as a whole and the people directly involved with drugs.   Allowing our discomfort and outrage to lead us on a road that increases the damaging effects of substances and the crimes and destruction associated with it.
    The dichotomy of looking at it as perps and victims is making the situation worse for society as a whole.  
      March 25, 2017 10:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed answer. I think both users and sellers are perps. The users affect not only themselves but their families and quite possibly society too often. On drugs they are not in control and behind the wheel they can kill someone. On  the street if they flip out they can kill someone. I have no sympathy or use for users or pushers. They are both criminals in my eyes and blaming a seller  for a user's weakness makes no sense to me at all. So I s'pose we disagree! :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 25, 2017 10:18 AM MDT
      March 25, 2017 10:17 AM MDT

  • I see were you are going and it's a point.   However is the mere use the crime or is choosing to drive a car under the influence?   Is being high while in the care of children the crime?
     Again I'll give booze as the example.   Being drunk in your chair isn't usually considered a crime,   sitting behind the wheel while drunk and causing a serious public danger is though.

    It's been my honest experience having made a few bad decisions in my past and the town I grew up in that I seen most of the prohibitions and how we police them.  I've watched how it's all increased the crimes and dangers society feels from it.
      March 25, 2017 10:34 AM MDT