I think it depends on what sort of person you are Rosie. This generation is being brought up with mobile phones, internet, game consoles, electric cars, TV so they are very dependent on the system. The system creates dependence so that the people are easier to control. However, if you are someone that knows they can live without those things, who are still very old school then I think you'll be ok. You need to be a person that doesn't care what others think, that doesn't hold their self esteem in another persons approval of them. Say what you say and then say no more. A person like that creates fear because they cannot be controlled, a person like that exposes the system for what it is.
See I don't think people are bad. I think the government and banking system is. Take for example your elections, you were given two really bad candidates Hilary and Trump. Those candidates weren't people that were honest or honourable, they were deceitful and perverted. The reason they got in is because the game is rigged. They were already chosen just like Bill Clinton was chosen ten years before he was voted in. You're never going to get a legit president because the ones you are given to choose from have the most money to campaign, but are not the most honourable. Anyone with that kind of money is going to be corrupt. Plus if you look at the presidents advisers they are always the same, this is because the board members are the ones who run the show not the president, the president is just a puppet.
In my country, just like your's, it doesn't matter who wins the election, and like yours it is always one of two candidates Labour or Conservative which translates Rich or working class. The good thing about here is that just by voting a rogue candidate they can get into the house of commons and stir up a hornets nest, and that's the best you can do if you want to see change. However, if you just keep voting the two candidates they put forward then you just keep getting what your getting. People don't realise that when they vote the power is given back to The People. When you vote you give the Power back to THEM. So don't vote, at least you can say I never chose to give the power back, especially not to the two deplorable candidates they offered us in the first place.
If people accept their lot then things will only get worse, because while everyone is distracted with the nonsense that is being put on the news, and consumerism, we are still being put into a position where we are working all our lives to fund goverments and banking systems that are corrupt. It is this that causing frustration and division amongst people, not necessarily the people themselves.