I think so.
What is to lose by trying? When I first planted pumpkin from seed, it was in April and it was ripe and ready early in August. Therefore it makes sense, depending on soil and conditions, you may plant now and it may be ready.
In ARIZONA? Where the heck ARE you? In Payson? Jerome? Flagstaff? Sedona? Grand Canyon?????
It is blazing hot in Phoenix, as you are well-aware, and I think you could toast those seeds and add salt and butter and eat them that way before they would grow. But then again, the last time I had any vegetable success stories was when I lived in Chicago. We had the dirt and the weather for lots of great veggies.
But you may know lots more about the art of growing pumpkins than I do. I never remember trying them. I am glad for the subject because it reminds me of cooler times to come.
I have tried it every year but they have never grown. This year, I plan to start them inside the house and transplant them when it cools off a bit.