Discussion » Questions » Animals (Pets/ Domesticated) » How rare is it for a cat to be afraid of heights?

How rare is it for a cat to be afraid of heights?

I've always kept my cat food on top of the refrigerator or counter to keep the dogs out of it, but we got a kitten a few years ago that wouldn't go up and get it. He still cowers and shakes if I put him on a table or counter. O_o

Posted - July 18, 2016


  • Bez


    I don't know, but I don't think any of my cats have ever been afraid of heights.

      July 18, 2016 2:26 AM MDT

  • 373

    It could be because that is the first time he was up there.

    It is probably rare that cats are afraid of heights.

      August 10, 2016 4:19 PM MDT