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Discussion » Questions » Finance » Do you care how YOUR money is being spent by a prez? Are the Trump ego-trip campaign rallies approved by you? Fer cryin' out loud WHY?

Do you care how YOUR money is being spent by a prez? Are the Trump ego-trip campaign rallies approved by you? Fer cryin' out loud WHY?

He is gonna bleed us dry.

Posted - August 5, 2017


  • 2500
    The President cannot spend any money unless Congress has authorized such spending, that "power of the purse". So take it up with your Representative and your two State senators.

    But with the nation owing almost 20-trillion dollars to it's creditors before Trump took office I would say his predecessors, especially the last one, have already bled the nation's people well beyond dry.
      August 5, 2017 8:42 AM MDT