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The days of miracle and wonder Dept: How have we progessed since the baby with the implanted baboon heart?

These are the days of staccato signals of constant information

Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 3934

    Well, now there's this thing called "The Internet" which people use to access "Social Media" by staring all day at their telephones which don't require wires to work, and.....

    Yeah, I got nothing....;-D...

      July 23, 2016 2:25 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Think Caitlin Jenner.  

    If you can forgive my State's Rights nonsense, this is brilliant in comparison, your answer.

      July 23, 2016 2:27 PM MDT

  • You can stay in your house.

      July 23, 2016 2:49 PM MDT

  • 46117

    It is a lot harder today than it was long ago and far away.  


      July 23, 2016 2:59 PM MDT

  • 17660

    I met a man who has had a pig's heart for three years now.  It was experimental.  He was doing well when I met him about a year ago.  I haven't seen him again.

      July 23, 2016 3:58 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @TM -- The Internet suggests  full pig-to-human heart transplants are not yet a reality and are still in the testing stages in other primates.

    It may be your friend had a heart VALVE transplanted from a pig. A friend of mine had that procedure several years ago and it seems to have worked well for him.

      July 23, 2016 5:50 PM MDT

  • 46117

    OS she meant a pig valve.

    I know because my mom opted for the steel one instead.  The pig valve allows one to live up to 20 years before it wears out and needs to be replaced.  (but you don't need to be on Coumadin)

    That Coumadin was a tough one to opt for.  But it did not wear out, that steel valve.

      July 23, 2016 5:52 PM MDT