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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Folks figger us out by what we say and do. Are you a registered POOH -POOHER" or can we count on you to be a dependable "OH BOYER"? Why?

Folks figger us out by what we say and do. Are you a registered POOH -POOHER" or can we count on you to be a dependable "OH BOYER"? Why?

Optimist positive. GOOD. Pessimist negative. NOT SO HOT. Are your glasses rose-colored, dark or are you glass-free? Is it your mission to make people feel better or worse for having engaged with you? Is every day  the same for you goal-wise or are you hither and yon, here and there, up and down, everywhere changing changing changing changing changing? Does anyone ever really KNOW you? Do people seek you out or avoid you?

Posted - August 29, 2017
