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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » How do you like the "new" YouTube redesign?

How do you like the "new" YouTube redesign?

They removed what was left of the "design". It is now white and plain, just like a Millennial's apartment and the Apple Store.


Posted - August 31, 2017


  • Minimalism rules.
      August 31, 2017 7:52 PM MDT
  • .

    utube is promoting obama that should tell you how far left they are leaning. 
      August 31, 2017 8:47 PM MDT

  • 2960
    Huh? Promoting Obama? It is a little late for that since he is done being President.

    YouTube promotes itself and its ads for $$$$$$$. Google is all that matters. They are the New Gods.

    If they are indeed "left leaning", they only do it to appeal to Millennials. They don't care about anything. Only $$$$$$$.

    If Millennials loved Trump, they would "promote" Trump. This post was edited by Mr. Bromide at August 31, 2017 9:13 PM MDT
      August 31, 2017 9:12 PM MDT

  • 508
    i hate the new design, its too depressing and it reminds me of death. 
      September 1, 2017 1:37 AM MDT