Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Are YOU responsible for your safety or are the local authorities responsible? Should they enact laws to protect you if you won't?

Are YOU responsible for your safety or are the local authorities responsible? Should they enact laws to protect you if you won't?

Posted - September 12, 2017


  • 35032
    I am responsible for me and my actions. I should be able choose to wear a seat beat or not.  My choice is not harming others. I should not have the choice to drink and drive because that can effect others safety. 

    Building on a flood zone, I should be allowed but also required to  have flood insurance. It should be part of my property taxes. So it does not cost the taxpayers when it floods. 

    I should be allowed to do what I want as long as I don't effect others.

      September 12, 2017 4:55 AM MDT