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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Per a June 30, 2017 article 20% of the largest British recipients of European farming subsidies are billionaires/millionaires! Didja know?

Per a June 30, 2017 article 20% of the largest British recipients of European farming subsidies are billionaires/millionaires! Didja know?

It was an article in "". Very disappointing to learn about that. And here I thought all the greed one would ever need was found in American billionaires and millionaires. Exclusionary I thought. I thought wrong. It seems greed abounds among millionaires and billionaires all over the world. That does not comfort me. It does emphasize though how those who think they are very special, unique, "better than" are nothing of the sort. They are all alike no matter the name or the country or the appearance. Sadly so. Didja know?

Posted - September 12, 2017
