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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » The internet. More harm than good? It is a laboratory where much evil is born and flourishes. Is the tradeoff worth it?

The internet. More harm than good? It is a laboratory where much evil is born and flourishes. Is the tradeoff worth it?

Terrorists communicate and recruit using the internet. It is an IDEAL vehicle for plotting death

Russia set up fake accounts on  FACEBOOK and TWITTER to get the gullible to do their bidding. There is a "event planner" apparently on Facebook. There were anti-immigrant/anti-refugee/anti-Muslim events planned specifically to brainwash people and it worked. Phony info was spread via the internet to undermine Hillary Clinton. It worked!

Your personal information can be hacked. Your identity stolen. The ENEMY can pretend to be you and send out vile messaging.

The power grid operates through computers and the internet? How easy would it be to sabotage it leaving us without control towers at airports and access to our financial accounts? Doesn't it operate utilities automatically?  How much business is transacted via computers and the internet? Traffic patterns are controlled by computers. Drones that are sent thousands of miles away to kill are controlled by computers.  Space travel? Possible without NASA folks sitting at computers?

Lies spread like wildfire via the internet. Instantaneously. Tweets are forwarded easily and the contagion spreads much faster than it could have done. The Gullible pick up on everything that shores up their partisan beliefs and spread it like the gospel and believe it. They don't know what they do. They don't care. They just forward it. Robotic automatons reacting to the bell and salivating. SIGH

So internet is worth it then?  Or an abomination?

Posted - September 14, 2017
