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Discussion » Questions » Finance » You're a government employee. Should the taxpayer pay $25,000 for you to hire a private jet to take you 150 miles and back?

You're a government employee. Should the taxpayer pay $25,000 for you to hire a private jet to take you 150 miles and back?

Commercial airfare would have cost about $750 and the time of departure was within 2 minutes. If time were not critical a commuter train could have been taken . Apparently this Price guy has no problem treating himself luxuriously with taxpayer-dollar "activities". I think he is one of Donald John's billionaires so he is used to super first-class everything. At our expense. OKAY with you? Because?

Posted - September 23, 2017


  • If we haven't been concerned with government waste up till now, isn't it more than a little hypocritical to get excited now??
      September 23, 2017 12:49 PM MDT