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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Ever heard of the JANUS PRINCIPLE? A very smart Answermugger brought it up. Know what it is?

Ever heard of the JANUS PRINCIPLE? A very smart Answermugger brought it up. Know what it is?

 Janus was the two-faced god. One face looked back, the other forward. It was allegedly the foundation of Existentialism.  What the Janus Principle does is promulgate an evil agenda keeping the public fooled about the actual motives/intentions. A pleasant face that promises good while planning wars and deaths and devastation behind the scenes. I suppose every government employs it to one degree or another. Some people often pretend to be friendly while planning your demise figuratively or literally. The Janus Principle. Very somber and sober and scary methodology. Modus operandi. Any escape or are we forever caught in the web of the poisonous spider who will eventually be our undoing?

Posted - October 12, 2017
