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Discussion » Questions » Family » Would you encourage your child to tell everyone how wonderful/great/smart/ talented he or she is? Why?

Would you encourage your child to tell everyone how wonderful/great/smart/ talented he or she is? Why?

Is that good parenting? Encourage a child to be supercilious/condescending/arrogant/conceited/pompous? Why on earth would you want that to be your child's MO? Why on earth would you want that to be anyone's MO?

Posted - November 2, 2017


  • 2500

    No need for the "every kid gets a trophy" mentality. Their actions and behaviors demonstrate that they actually are smart and talented. 
      November 2, 2017 9:30 AM MDT

  • 1326
    No, I tried teaching my children to be modest. (Micah 6:8) This post was edited by Autumnleaves at November 3, 2017 4:25 AM MDT
      November 2, 2017 9:07 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Blowhards, braggarts have never been my cuppa tea Autumn. My son isn't one. I think if he were I would have failed miserably as a parent. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      November 3, 2017 1:37 AM MDT