Such is the nature of life. It was never designed to be fair. Just look how some are born into incredible wealth while others are born into poverty. The randomness of life starts from the moment we are born.
You know what bothers me the most PeaPod? Those children who are badly abused by their parents. Some starve to death. Some are beaten to death. It breaks the heart of any human being to imagine what fear and pain and suffering they experience. I will never understand the evil that people do to one another..especially to children. Never. Thank you for your reply! :)
I hear ya loud and clear PeaPod. There is so much evil and cruelty in the world that people do to one another. What makes them like that? You know I ask all kinds of questions. I read about everything that's going on and there are just some things that are so awful and ugly and unbelievably rotten I just can't bring myself to ask questions about them. I ask about everything and anything but those things. Cruelty to animals to babies to little children. Inconceivable to me that it can be. Beyond sad. Beyond despicable. :( Thank you for your reply sweetie! :)
I don't think there is anything that everyone could agree on tom. All they care about is your politics. If you are NOT them they will disagree with everything you posit absolutely! That's just what politics does to people. Not ALL people but a majority of them. At least so it seems to me. Thank you for your reply! :)