Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » According to some Roy Moore fans Moore has been a warrior spokesperson for GOD for 40 years! Wonder how God feels about that?

According to some Roy Moore fans Moore has been a warrior spokesperson for GOD for 40 years! Wonder how God feels about that?

Think that is Moore's self-imposed penance? That he can erase his disgusting pedophilia activities by being a passionate spokesperson for the word of God for so long? He can't erase what he has done. Ever. Denying it and attacking his victims does not sit well with some. Think God is buying his act of  adamant denial and defiance? I don't know. He is lying. Does God forgive lying 24/7 no matter the circumstances? God is very forgiving so maybe so. But God isn't fooled. People are though. Why?

Posted - November 19, 2017
