So he could watch us dance.
What makes you think that Jesus made mosquitoes?
It you want to blame someone for mosquitoes blame Noah. He's the one that took that pair onto the ark. He could have just left them behind and no one would have been the wiser . . .
Jesus the man did not make anything. When Jesus became self-realized* He made everything. Good and Bad. That is tapping into Christ Consciousness, the knowledge that we are all ONE and part of GOD and in effect we all are GOD.
That was Jesus' message on earth. We are all GOD. And when He finally embraced that truth from every fiber of His being, He became GOD. Because he was AWARE of it all. When we reach that stage, we see the reasons for everything. Mosquitos are not good nor bad. They are messages from our own selves. If we need a mosquito bite, it may just be the thing we need as a lesson to teach us patience, endurance even compassion. So, those lessons are boring and tedious and even painful, but they are invaluable and can make the quality of our lives so much richer.
So Jesus teaches us to be like HIM. Follow the way of truth, love and enlightenment and do not judge.
Mosquitos are part of life. All of life is a lesson. All lessons are good. Because all lessons lead us to Christ Consciousness if we are aware and go within and listen and ask that way.
I love it. LOVE it.
Food for Bats.
To give amphibians something to eat.
It wasn't him. If it was anyone who made them, it was Satan. Lol:)
That is a gooood question. I was wondering about that myself lately.