Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Innocent people who have nothing to hide are never dangerous. Is is the GUILTY who are dangerous. Is there anyting a guilty person won't do?

Innocent people who have nothing to hide are never dangerous. Is is the GUILTY who are dangerous. Is there anyting a guilty person won't do?

Posted - January 13, 2018


  • So, in your world everyone is like the characters in  old time western movies. Black and white, good and bad, no gray areas and no in between. What about the guilty who acknowledge guilt and seek not to repeat? Are those who seek redemption dangerous? There is a world of difference in career criminals, who are dangerous to everyone, and those who reverse the trends in their life and pose no threat. This question is a breathtaking departure from someone who has championed "sanctuary cities" ( the aiding and abetting of violent felons). Those who have no experience in courtrooms tend to have a more naive approach in such things. There is the "ideal" and the reality of the way the world operates. Twenty five years ago, I could have posed the question myself until I had to work with the various shades of guilt and innocence. We don't operate in the ideal state of these matters.
      January 13, 2018 10:26 AM MST