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If I tell somebody here that they live in a s***hole country I will get suspended from here. Can we suspend Trump?


Posted - January 15, 2018


  • 46117
    No.  They would take it off and warn you.   NO NO NO.  

    Just Asking is much stricter than the US Government who is supposed to protect our rights.  The only right that is obviously in effect today is TRUMP'S right to think, do and say anything he feels and he thinks the whole world will obey and kneel.

    Putin and Trump are like Sauron and Sauruman.  Trump worships the BIG EVIL and wants a piece of the pie, but guess what Donald?  AS Kruschiev predicted, "we will bury you".... Putin will crap out chunks of you in his stool when he is done having you for a snack.

    So, US Government, no more free passes for Don.  We are on the Eve of Destruction

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at January 15, 2018 10:51 AM MST
      January 15, 2018 10:42 AM MST

  • If you said that to me,
    I'd agree that there are some seriously s**ty aspects to Australia.
    I'd probably name them.
    But I would not agree that I live right inside the "fundamental aperture."
    (With apologies to Tom Woolf for appropriating his colourful phrase.)

    But Trump's problem is that he apparently can't remember what he says or tweets,
    and can't or won't believe whatever forgotten twits subsequently prove to have been errors of fact or diplomacy..
    So he denies the recorded evidence by calling the reporting of them, "fake news."

    Worse, because the media do make mistakes (with no public tolerance for any,)
    the ground was ripe for Trump's rank & file voters to choose to believe his "Fake News" cries.
    It is as if the pro-Republicans feel they must toady to the emperor's delusions about his new clothes;
    the result, mass delusion for maybe half the population.

    Suspend Trump?
    I think the liberals' only hope is to keep investigating until the just cause for impeachment is found.

    If that fails, I still expect that he will shoot himself in the foot before he gets voted out. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 15, 2018 4:55 PM MST
      January 15, 2018 4:24 PM MST