No matter what problem you're facing, I can assure you Wakko is to blame. Please direct any aggression you may have in his general direction.
Following that, I can be reached using the internal email system (as Wakko explained), by clicking "feedback" on the side of the screen or from the main menu, via the "contact admin" link in the footer, or by direct email to answerMugger(at)
I'm not experiencing any abnormal delays or slowing of the site at present, so it may be helpful for you to include details about how you're accessing the site in your message, such as device and browser type, as well as what actions you're taking that result in slow loads.
FYI all, I did speak with the dev and he's supposed to be on this week fixing error messages and checking on the speed. If you continue having issues, please email me or use the Feedback tab to report- I don't always follow the threads.