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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » According to the doctor who did the physical the donjohn is normal. There is nothing wrong with him. Isn't that worse than if there were?

According to the doctor who did the physical the donjohn is normal. There is nothing wrong with him. Isn't that worse than if there were?

There is no medical excuse for his saying/doing what he says/does. We cannot lay it off on anything. It is whom he is, what he is and that's that. It would be so much better if we could point a finger at what causes his outrageous behavior. A brain tumor or advanced senility or the  middlings of Alzheimer's or schizophrenia. But no. That just ain't so. He is a healthy what you see in all his orange glory and that is all he will ever be. There is no cure for donjohn. No remedy. No antidote. No escape hatch. No excuse/reason.  No ever getting any better. How sad is that?

Posted - January 17, 2018
