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Have you ever had an out of your mind experience?


Posted - January 19, 2018


  • 5808
    every time I am still
    ...with no thoughts running through the Mind.
         In Meditation,
    we can get outside of the mind.
         When the Mind is quiet
    and the Ego dissolves
    An outside of the Mind Experience
    is observed. Beyond Time and Space.
         So we learn to practice deep meditation
    for the absolute ultimate experience.

      January 19, 2018 1:35 PM MST

  • 3191
    Yep, a few times, though I cannot adequately explain them, and none were of my own conscious initiative.  I would like to experience what Baba speaks of, though. This post was edited by Bozette at January 19, 2018 3:11 PM MST
      January 19, 2018 2:59 PM MST