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Why can't all these lazy people just get a job?


Posted - August 5, 2016


  • Bez


    Half of these so-called "lazy people" (maybe more than half of them) are not really lazy, they are still struggling to find work after being made redundant from their last jobs. Think first, before you post such a dorkish question as this, and maybe the answer will come up in your brain without needing to ask.

      August 5, 2016 10:55 AM MDT

  • 739
    Probably because the number of jobs is greater than the number of people looking for them. I am not sure about the current state of affairs, and how it varies in each country, but I was asked to do some research into this in 2008, (this is in Britain) and the number of jobs then was way lower than the number out of work.
      August 5, 2016 11:03 AM MDT

  • 3934

      August 5, 2016 11:24 AM MDT

  • 676
    Too busy posting questions here....
      August 5, 2016 11:29 AM MDT
  • Bez


    "Probably because the number of jobs is greater than the number of people looking for them"

    No, it's not. It's the other way around. If it was as you said, everybody would be working and there would still be jobs to spare. I don't see the logic in that answer. Then you added "but I was asked to do some research into this in 2008, (this is in Britain) and the number of jobs then was way lower than the number out of work", which is correct but it contradicts the first half of your answer.

      August 5, 2016 11:32 AM MDT

  • if you read the second half of HarryDemon's reply, you can plainly see he inverted the subject and direct object in the sentence you quoted. he obviously meant to state: 'Probably because the number of people looking for them is greater than the number of jobs [available].'

    as per: "...and the number of jobs then was way lower than the number out of work."

      August 5, 2016 11:50 AM MDT

  • 2515
    Which ones? Do you know some on here?
      August 5, 2016 11:51 AM MDT

  • if everyone who needed a job and truly wanted to work could find a job, it would become glaringly obvious just who is lazy.

    fact is, not everyone who needs a job can find one at any given time. situations aren't always black and white.

    it's grey out there.... very grey, indeed.

    i'm not a huge fan of Styx... but no song is more apropos..

      August 5, 2016 11:54 AM MDT

  • Me no think good.

      August 5, 2016 11:55 AM MDT

  •   August 5, 2016 12:01 PM MDT
  • Bez


    I just read what I see, little queen, and if I see any kind of anomaly I instinctively comment on it. That's the kind of guy I am. Lol:)

      August 5, 2016 3:14 PM MDT

  • LOL!!!


    :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)


      August 5, 2016 3:16 PM MDT
  • Bez



      August 5, 2016 3:40 PM MDT

  • Because all the baby boomers are still working and won't give up their position because they're greedy pigs and generation x do whatever they want to do because no one cares about them and they're like the children mother nature never wanted and millennials are partying,lazy no good brats.

      August 5, 2016 4:35 PM MDT

  • dang... you got it all figured out, girl of the melted cheese fried sandwich. =)

      August 5, 2016 4:46 PM MDT

  • i'll get used to that then. i won't be a thorn in your side, i promise. =)

      August 5, 2016 4:49 PM MDT

  • Totally accurate!! Except I would add Boomers are also using up all the retirment money and benefits that The Greatest Generation didn't use up.

      August 5, 2016 5:02 PM MDT

  • if they were really The Greatest Generation, they would have used it up, before the next three generations could come along and screw it up forever. i guess they were too busy 'making' all the Baby Boomers. typical.

      August 5, 2016 5:27 PM MDT

  • #stopallgenerations

      August 5, 2016 6:45 PM MDT

  • Yus! :0)

      August 5, 2016 6:45 PM MDT

  • 46117

    What part of the word lazy escapes you?

    #google "lazy"

      August 5, 2016 6:48 PM MDT

  • indeed.

      August 5, 2016 8:16 PM MDT

  • 739
    OK, so I screwed up. Did I say I was perfect?
      August 10, 2016 4:02 PM MDT

  • Yes.

      August 11, 2016 7:16 AM MDT