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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PRESIDENT FOR LIFE! Strong-arm your way no matter what laws it breaks/what it takes. EYES ON THE PRIZE. What prize prez? What prize?

PRESIDENT FOR LIFE! Strong-arm your way no matter what laws it breaks/what it takes. EYES ON THE PRIZE. What prize prez? What prize?

Posted - March 5, 2018


  • 6098
    "Eyes on the Prize" was an alliterative phrase associated with the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1960s.  It simply means that you keep your intentions on your goal and shape your attitudes and actions to achieve that goal.  In that case the integration of public facilities in the South. 
      March 5, 2018 6:20 AM MST

  • Hmmmmm, President for life. Have we taken on certain aspects of say, the British Royal family, perhaps the Vatican or the US Supreme Court? Eyes on the prize has nothing to do with "strong arm" tactics. It is however, a catchy phrase that evokes images of a commitment, dedication and determination to finish the race and win the prize.
      March 5, 2018 9:39 AM MST