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Why would Amazon delete 137 reviews for a product when all were 5 stars?

On March 22, 2018 I ordered an mp3 player because of the perfect score on the reviews. I went to track my order just now to find out the product is not available and no one has reviewed it. How could the same item be available with 137 reviews when I ordered it, but not available with no reviews when I went to track my order?

Posted - March 26, 2018


  • 17652
    Lucky you; you obviously fell for a scam.  You'll get your money back and pay attention to reviews.  There are way to determine how dependable they are.  One big one is that they were posted in close proximity time wise.  Also the language is often tell tell.  If they are not verified don't even read them.  Of course, on Amazon, verified means nothing.  They use the honor system.  Not good.  Expect it to get worse.  Amazon has traded quality for quantity in every possible way.  I've been a customer for 16 years and it's very disappointing.  
      March 27, 2018 2:03 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I would always take any "reviews" with a grain of salt.  After all any product will of course have its own cheering squad.  Plus if you bought it on Amazon then of course they want to sell it so how, under those circumstances, can you trust anything they print about it?
      March 27, 2018 5:53 AM MDT
  • AG

    I am not sure, but I have this problem all the time because I live in Canada. Why? Because I read American reviews, and Canadian reviews aren't always plentiful.
      March 28, 2018 3:04 PM MDT