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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Inexplicably lavish and ostentatious! Presidential inaugurations. Why such a vulgar display of wealth? Why the need for garish?

Inexplicably lavish and ostentatious! Presidential inaugurations. Why such a vulgar display of wealth? Why the need for garish?

Trump raised and spent the most money but OBAMA was no slouch either. I expect Dems and GOP overspend equally to what end? It's in very bad taste when there are citizens without jobs or shelter or food.  Does the degree of lavish showoffy splendor GUARANTEE a good presidency? Why do folks need to be so pretentious and boorish? Is it a REQUIREMENT?

Posted - May 6, 2018


  • Once upon a time, it was done to place the American System on display for the world to see that we were no "Banana Republic'". Now that we have sunk below that status in recent years, it would be more appropriate for a quiet ceremony in the East Room of the White House with no fanfare, crowds parades, balls, glitz or glamour. If you eliminate the inaugural address(and you should) there's no reason for the public to be brought into it at all.
      May 6, 2018 8:56 AM MDT