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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's howya do it. Give a loan of 1/2 billion bucks to him and see how fast he switches sides and arguments. He does a 180! Why?

Here's howya do it. Give a loan of 1/2 billion bucks to him and see how fast he switches sides and arguments. He does a 180! Why?

Cuz he loves money so much he is willing to jeopardize the security of his country without missing a beat. The company in China he wants to save manufactures phones that were sold in America programmed for espionage/spying. It has been banned but that don't make no never mind to him. He wants the company to succeed. ZTE is the name of the Chinese company! He wants it to come back to life and bring back all those jobs China lost because of the ban. He said so. Your prez. Ain't he sumthin'? Traitor you say? No way. He is just an ordinary American businessman looking out for number which is himself. It is the American way. That is what capitalism is all about. So you sell your country out? So what? As long as you make a killing, right? SIGH.

Posted - May 16, 2018


  • 32895
    He is not borrowing any money. There was a project planned for several years before even a candidate.  Trump Org does not own the property or project. There will be a golf course which will license the Trump name. Trump is not building the project, and is not the owner either. 
      May 16, 2018 10:21 AM MDT