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Genocides. Holocaust. Concentration Camps. Detention Centers. Some things never change. FATE?

On April 24 , 1915 the Armenian genocide (death marches) began at the hands of the Turks. When it was over 1.5 million Armenians had been MURDERED. The goal was to eliminate all Armenians. They almost were.

Between 1941-1945 Jews were tortured, murdered, placed in gas chambers. When the Nazis were done 6 million Jews had been murdered. The goal was to eliminate all of them. Some survived. Thank GOD.

2018 in America. King don decreed that "detention centers" be set up in vacant Walmarts or other big box structures. Children are taken from their parents at the borders and forced to stay there locked up. They are allowed two hours a day outside for fresh air. They are locked up 22 hours a day. I don't know what this will end up being called but BRAND TRUMP will be all over it. The children of "illegal" immigrants will be mentally, emotionally, spiritually and possibly physically damaged for life. Lasting trauma will be the gift of the majestic  King don era.  His legacy. All hail King don. SIGH.

Posted - June 15, 2018
