Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» You read about the past. Imagine the future. You can only KNOW now. Are we in the best of times or the worst of times in your lifetime?
I think the answer here is subjective to what aspects of this world you apply your life priorities to.
As an example, when the Cubbies won the Series after, what, a century of futility, it was the “best of times” for their fans, though many were still ducking gunfire in the streets of the city containing Wrigley Field.
For those who are consumed by National affairs and politics, these could well be the worst of times, but as one who is just a bemused spectator of that Circus of the Ridiculous, my life on a personal level is as fulfilling now as it has ever been. What concerns I have for the world focus more toward what we are doing to it, and how many are willfully indifferent to it all.
"Bemused"? The definition of bemused is "bewildered/confused/lost in thought/preoccupied". Is that the word you mean about our domestic affairs? The only thing that confuses me is that any sane honorable thoughtful person would support such a one as King don. I stay plugged in 24/7 ever since 9/11 . When Jim is in the shower or out and about or in the garage or front yard or backyard the news is always on the TV in the living room. I'm usually in the kitchen when I'm not at the computer and I can hear what is going on. When he's gone playing golf or tennis the TV is on a news channel. King don is so erratic and the investigations are so fast-moving and dramatic I don't want to miss out on anything. Yesterday Paul Manafort (the dumba** who was wearing two ankle bracelets to monitor his every move when he was out on bail) was JAILED for trying to intimidate people...suborn perjury. How stupid is that? He KNEW he was under surveillance 24/7. Good Grief! How stupid dumb can anyone be doing that? So yes I am CONSUMED by national affairs and politics. I did not used to have to be during the reign of the sane. But since the Madness of King George ws thrust upon the land as exemplified by King don I dare not be not consumed. Thank you for your reply DonB! :)
“Bemused” was used in the sense that you addressed it: What forces allow this circus to continue? How has it not already crashed down? (I predict it still might, be it at a glacial pace).
Beyond that, my focus remains on that over which I have some measure of control: sustaining the quality of life that my family and I enjoy.
I looked up the word Don. I honestly thought it meant "to be amused". It doesn't. If you knew what it meant and still used it then I'm confused. But I often am when things make no sense and so many things make no sense that used to be very clear. We are going downhill and we accelertate daily. Eventually we will hit bottom. I don't think it will end well. Paying attention to your own plate and your own backyard is fine. Jim and I are old now. We have no responsibilities. Been there done that. Our kids are grown and their kids are grown. We have time now to look around and pay attention to other things. I assume your "kids" live at home and that you are employed, not retired. The view from where we sit and where you sit is very different. Of necessity. Thank you for your reply! :)
Some background. Two of my kids graduated from college, are married and on their own. Two are still in college, living on-campus and my youngest starts at U of Miami in the Fall. I have two grandbabies, awaiting a third this winter. I retired from my business ten years ago, financially independent, to travel with my wife of (now) 30 years, and live the lush life afforded by our hard-won affluence. Prior to starting my businesses, I served 9 years as an Officer in the US Army, including in the Gulf War.
Yes, it’s quite obvious we sit at different positions, mine permits me to pursue a laundry list of activities that bring joy and adventure to this all-too-brief existence, instead of stewing in pallid frustration over matters for which I have little control and even less concern. I/we could, with little effort, move abroad and live well there, and the discussion on this in our household is on-going.
You do what works for you.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 16, 2018 7:36 PM MDT
There you go again Don. Once again you chose to spoil the conversation. "STEWING IN PALLID FRUSTRATION". Was that really necessary?. We've been here before. We chat pleasantly (from my point of view) and then you chose words that are offputting and I back away. Well we're there again. I fell for it. AGAIN. Thank you for your reply and once again goodbye. Words matter.
This post was edited by RosieG at June 16, 2018 7:52 AM MDT
Really? THAT is what you gleaned from my entire comment? It’s about you? Smh. You sound like HIM.
I suggest you review the scope of your personal little corner here. Look at all your frustration, look at all the hyperbole, look at all that obsession. How can this NOT be affecting the quality of your life.
Then think about what I said. Life is too short Rosie, to spend so much of it tied to the escapades of a despicable man who you are giving power to upset you so much.
I hope you see your way clear to recognize what this is doing to you.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 16, 2018 9:49 PM MDT