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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Paul Manafort was jailed yesterday for trying to SUBORN perjury! What a stupid dumba**! Think Michael Cohen is as stupid dumb as Manafort?

Paul Manafort was jailed yesterday for trying to SUBORN perjury! What a stupid dumba**! Think Michael Cohen is as stupid dumb as Manafort?

Manafot was out on bail wearing an electronic ankle monitory around EACH ANKLE.  How did he now knew he was under surveillance 24/7?  I cannot believe anyone is that bereft of brains. But he certainly is. He contacted some folks to try to get their stories straight. I don't know how many but whomever it was IMMEDIATELY  contacted Mueller. This is the level  incompentence with which King don surrounds/surrounded himself.  Will Michael Cohen flip now that he no lawyer representing him?

Posted - June 16, 2018
