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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Odd. Ever notice how it is the FASCISTS (look it up) who brand folks Communist or Socialist? Wonder WHY?

Odd. Ever notice how it is the FASCISTS (look it up) who brand folks Communist or Socialist? Wonder WHY?

Posted - June 18, 2018


  • 3719

    If Fascists label anyone who opposes them as such, that's merely childish propaganda. Those genuinely espousing hard-left dogma have never been afraid of calling themselves Communist or Socialist.

    Oddly, the old USSR used "Socialist" in its title and very often in its announcements, perhaps euphemistically, but its single political party was the Communist Party by that name. 

      June 19, 2018 12:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The extreme right-wing in America are all Fascists. All they have to do is look up the meaning i n the dictionary but they never do.  Erudition/knowledge/truth are anathema to them. King rat (aka don juan the prez) appeals to them majorly because his heroes are Vlad Putin, Kim Jung-un, Duterte (Philippines) Erdogan(Turkey) and all the other  despotic dictators who turn on their own people and get rid of dissidents and journalist. His admiration is unabashed and contant. He wants to be them. He that when Kim speaks "his people sit up straight" and pay attention. He said "I want my people to do that". Then he said he was joking. He wasn't. He is turning America into that very rapidly and his base cheers him on. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Wednesday! :)
      June 20, 2018 4:00 AM MDT

  • And to the socialists, everybody's a Nazi. You can justify or rationalize any kind of name calling when it suits the occasion. 
      June 20, 2018 4:34 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Just a thought... It's not for me as a Briton to comment on Donald Trump's performance in America's domestic politics I don't fully understand anyway - but I've noticed very few if any use his name properly on threads on AnswerMug.

    I realise this mostly because he is being attacked or lampooned by writers who oppose his politics, but is there any deeper reason?

    I ask because in a Private Message conversation with an American fellow-user of a totally separate forum, he became very nervous when I gave the President, as the leader of another nation, the basic respect (not necessarily agreement) of his proper name.  I asked the problem, and my on-line pal reckoned the authorities monitor social-media sites with methods tuned to pick up particular words - like the President's name.  "So they'll be monitoring us", he said.

    I suspect it was the man's own very naïve beliefs, more than the truth, but commented neither of us had said anything illegal, and that the CIA is hardly likely to see a sexagenarian Englishman commenting from England on how other countries see the USA, as a threat to the nation!

    So is there something behind AM users' near-universal calling the American leader by all sorts of strange nicknames - or is it just that most are his party-political opponents? 

    When Britons want to disparage our own politicians, it's usually by using their proper surnames but without first names or courtesy titles, and in a slightly sneering tone.
      June 20, 2018 3:44 PM MDT